Modern Style: Looking Tall

For those who wish to make a strong fashion statement, there’s one thing they can do to enhance whatever look they choose: stand taller. Shoes are definitely a part of any ensemble, but the fact they can be height increasing is often overlooked.

Women know the value of high heels, both as a boost to height and flattering their appearance when combined with the right look in clothing, hair, makeup and accessories. Men also know that boots, “Cuban” heels and platform shoes are all choices they can make, if they want an obvious boost to their height and look.

A new trend in fashion is using well made elevator shoes to subtly increase the height of the wearer without signaling that the shoe itself is a “tall shoe”. For those who only buy top quality footwear, their only choice was to wear shoes with lifts, until recently.

With the advent of first quality height footwear by GuidoMaggi, even the most serious fashionista, man or woman, can enjoy the benefits of taller shoes made with the finest materials and construction in the world.

Luxury shoes and height increasing shoes are now combined like never before.

These are not “lifts shoes” – they are full grain Italian leather shoes that can also increase height 7 or 8 centimeters (2.75 to 3.1 inches). Along with a boost in height, these taller shoes can improve posture and carriage, which will always enhance the way clothes look on the body.

If you choose to look taller, make sure you choose the right footwear to enhance your look. Choose the shoes that have the fit and finish that will enhance your appearance: GuidoMaggi.